The worrisome news for most American citizens lately is the fact that our President is proposing that the government be allowed to spy on citizens of our country. Now he wants to control the media and censor things HE feels is a "threat against national security". The Washington Post reports "President Bush has been summoning newspaper editors lately in an effort to prevent publication of stories he considers damaging to national security." Apparently Bush does not care about the Constitution or the rights of the American people. Maybe someone should give this man a U.S. Government test that our children are required to take and find out how much he really knows and understands!
The First Amendment of our Constitution states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Visual Contradictions
Throughout the United Stated during the holiday season, many front lawns are decorated with Nativity scenes, animated characters, Santa Clauses and snowmen, fake flying reindeer, elves, and whatever a person feels like...all in one big conundrum. We had a visitor with us from Sweden for a few days who thinks these arrangements are quite hilarious. It is really quite bizarre the way that mainly Christians have the whole Santa + baby Jesus + Commercialism thing going on so brightly and boldly right on their own front lawns. What is seen by the passers-by is a menagerie of contradictions!
I recently was told by a 4-year-old child that Santa was in "heaven" with Jesus...(and also her grandma's kitty. Jesus and Santa were taking care of the kitty "up there" I guess.) This is the same child who the year before said that Santa was going to bring her a certain present and her father asked "how do you know that?" and she said "Jesus told me." It was cute, and funny, but also points out the absurdity of these conflicting beliefs and the confusion it causes in the mind of a child..
When the time comes to tell the truth about Santa, there is an immediate need for the parents to explain then that Jesus and God are real, but Santa isn't, Santa is just made up. . and even though we cannot see Jesus and God, they are not made up. No wonder that one of the fastest growing professions in this country is psychotherapy! If children were raised with honesty and taught to think rationally, there would be far fewer problems in the world and people would be happier and less disappointed in life.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
My husband and I have been searching for and making a list of items made in the good ol' USofA and have compiled a very short list so far. I have found hunting gear, cowboy jackets and Amish furniture and quilts. Maybe some odds and ends items that few people buy.
When we go shopping we look at the labels of items we consider buying only to find MADE IN CHINA on almost everything anymore. Most items that are not made in China are made in Thailand, Pakistan, Bangladesh or some other third-world country where people are susceptible to exploitation because they are so poor and will work for practically nothing.
Dick Gordon, of The Connection of WBUR Boston states, "As China's economic power grows, so does the suffering of those whose sweat and blood fuels the country's economic miracle." Does anyone really care as long as they get those LOW PRICES on their low quality merchandise at Wal-mart and most other stores around the US? (Remember when Wal-Mart's slogan was MADE IN THE USA?) Who's to care if workers in China are exploited and children are made to be slaves as long as we can have MORE BARGAINS to buy and cram into our already overflowing closets and drawers. Even the American flags that people buy from their local stores to display proudly on their houses and flagpoles are made in China. (Take a close look at the flag in the photo above.) Does anyone care if Americans are losing jobs as factories are being closed and more and more companies are choosing to take their business to Chinese sweatshops across the sea?
Quality doesn't seem to be a factor anymore in today's throw-away world. If things break, they are cheap enough that we can just go buy another. Who cares that the garbage dumps are filling up with discarded appliances, electronics items and cheap toys and a large number of other things.
In additon to all those Chinese products that are being imported in the US, we are also getting added "bonuses" of exotic Chinese insects that sneak in shipping crates and boxes and upon arriving here devour our pine trees, eat our vegetation while multiplying and become uncontrollable pests!
What can we do? Write your congressmen, your senators, THE PRESIDENT, and buy American whenever you can. If we keep shopping at the stores who are the biggest Chinese importers, all of our complaining will fall on deaf ears because HUGE profits are being made by these companies and what's a little crying from the public if they are still buying items with the little Made in China stamp on them.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Defining Atheism
There has been lots of disatisfaction amongst the atheist community about the common textbook definition of the label "atheist". According to Merriam Webster and most dictionaries used by the average student today, the definition if atheist is: "One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." I find the "denies the existence of" particularly annoying; as if I know a god is there, I'm just denying it. If you MUST give us non-believers a LABEL...then please know the new and better definition of atheist which is now widely endorsed and used by atheists all over the globe.
atheist n. : One who has rejected all existing theistic concepts.
CLAP - 1 : to strike (as two flat hard surfaces) together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise.
APPLAUD: 2 : to show approval of especially by clapping the hands
Merriam- Webster Online Dictionary
One of the most annoying sounds in the world for me is the sound of clapping, especially after just hearing a magnificent piece of music, or a symphony, or a beautifully moving song. After listening to a live recording of Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma (for example) before he is even finished the audience launched into loud and disturbing applause! Clapping ruins the whole mood of the previous hour or two performance. Wouldn't it be better to be able to sit and reflect upon the sounds one just listened to or the play one just saw? Harmonious sounds full of emotion and deep meaning are shattered with the CLAP CLAP CLAP to boost the egos of those who just performed it. Are performers playing music or singing or acting for the love of their art, or for merely superficial gratification of being loved themselves for playing or singing or acting out a part?
APPLAUD: 2 : to show approval of especially by clapping the hands
Merriam- Webster Online Dictionary
One of the most annoying sounds in the world for me is the sound of clapping, especially after just hearing a magnificent piece of music, or a symphony, or a beautifully moving song. After listening to a live recording of Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma (for example) before he is even finished the audience launched into loud and disturbing applause! Clapping ruins the whole mood of the previous hour or two performance. Wouldn't it be better to be able to sit and reflect upon the sounds one just listened to or the play one just saw? Harmonious sounds full of emotion and deep meaning are shattered with the CLAP CLAP CLAP to boost the egos of those who just performed it. Are performers playing music or singing or acting for the love of their art, or for merely superficial gratification of being loved themselves for playing or singing or acting out a part?
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
It is interesting that even in 2005 many school districts are still afraid of including Huckleberry Finn and many other previously banned books even in a historical reference. It is also interesting that many people find the "n" word offensive in Huck Finn but tolerate that "n" word as well as other derogatory language about black people when it is written by black authors. I had a whole two semesters of African American Literature at the university and was amazed at the lanugage in much of it and the offensive "n" word was all through the studied literature. Mark Twain is wrong for using it, but it is okay for someone like Toni Morrison or August Wilson because they are black? I have been in classes where heated discussions have taken place over this issue.
The university I went to was about 60% African American and African American Literature was, and still is a requirement to graduate. Most of the black students felt that Morrison (who I admire tremendously as a woman and an author) and other black authors had a right to write the "n" word straight out because they are black and they understand the history of how it has been used to hurt. In addition, they thought it was okay to use this word in joking or calling other black people "N"...but white people are not allowed since the intention of that word would be different. This in turn stirred up the white folks who said they do not go around calling other white people "honkey" but black people call each other "n". We white people had a difficult time understanding that. As far as the literature goes, in my Mark Twain class when we read Huck Finn the black folks said they still CRINGE at the word when they read it, which I can understand completely. However, I do not understand why they cringe at the word when reading a book from the 1800s and then read the same word in modern literature or hear it from comedians and not cringe. We never came to any resolution to this word question in any of my classes where it was discussed. Maybe they cringe at earlier literature with that word because back then because people really DID mean it as derogatory? I guess maybe white people will never understand because we are not black.
Students should be smart enough to understand that these authors are attempting in good faith to capture the real language of their characters. To change the language is to lessen the power of the language needed to convey what is going on inside a character's mind and also to show who a character really is. If we are going to water down literature for fear of offending someone, then we may as well not write or read at all.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Man is a Religious Animal. He is the only Religious Animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion--several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat if his theology isn't straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother's path to happiness and heaven....The higher animals have no religion. And we are told that they are going to be left out in the Hereafter. I wonder why? It seems questionable taste.
- Mark Twain - "The Lowest Animal""You have noticed that the human being is a curiosity. In times past he has had (and worn out and flung away) hundreds and hundreds of religions; today he has hundreds and hundreds of religions, and launches not fewer than three new ones every year."
Letters from the Earth: Uncensored Writings by Mark Twain
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The Right to
Freedom of Expression
in America
By D. Bowden
Freedom of Expression
in America
By D. Bowden
The American Bill of Rights guarantees to every person in the United States the rights and liberties that are the basis of democracy. The first of the ten amendments that make up the Bill of Rights guarantees the freedom of religion, speech, assembly and petition. Justice William J. Brennan wrote, “If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” The commitment of the principle of free speech has been repeatedly tested beginning with the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 to the present day intolerance for individual and unpopular opinion.
In doing research for this presentation, I found some interesting facts from our past history concerning sedition in the years leading up to the Civil War. Nothing prevented states from enacting laws that limited expression–and many did. Political opinions were often expressed at the speaker’s (or printer’s) own peril. In the years leading up to the Civil War, slavery was the most hotly debated issue in the country. Most Southern states passed laws that barred any criticism of slavery, on the theory that speaking against it would incite revolts. A fact that I did not know was that in some cases it was a crime to even receive anti-slavery literature! And in Georgia, under an 1835 law, the editor of a newspaper that opposed slavery could be punished by death!
In the North, in contrast, dozens of abolitionist newspapers sprang up to oppose slavery. However, they weren’t very popular with general public opinion. One of the best known abolitionists, William Lloyd Garrison, who published the anti-slavery paper, The Liberator in Boston, was dragged through the streets by an angry mob. Garrison framed his arguments in strong terms–too strong for the public to accept. He believed moral law outweighed civil law and his paper carried such statements as, “The existing constitution of the United States is a covenant with death and an agreement with hell.” To illustrate his point, he once burned a copy of the document in public. James Fenimore Cooper made an interesting point in his essay The American Democrat. He states, “Were the majority of a country to rule without restraint, it is probable as much injustice and oppression would follow, as are found under the dominion of one.” Even though the majority believes a certain way, doesn’t mean that it is always right in its beliefs or actions. Another abolitionist editor, Elijah Lovejoy, was killed for his published statements. His office was attacked and his presses destroyed twice. Finally in November 1837, after moving to Alton, Illinois, Lovejoy was shot dead while trying to save his third press from the same fate.
These examples of intolerance show us that the general public opinion of the north was not that different from the south. These stories underscore an important point. In a democratic society, it is unpopular opinion–not the view of the majority that is in danger of suppression. This point would be made clear again and again throughout our history. In 1980, Supreme Court Justice, Arthur Goldberg warned, “We are again becoming intolerant of dissenting voices, forgetful that out nation was founded and forged by dissenters and that while they are often misguided, on occasion they are right.”
In more recent times, Americans are more likely to support freedom of expression in the abstract than they are when specific cases arise. According to Elaine Pascoe in her book Freedom of Expression, various studies in 1992 have shown that less than half of all Americans thought unpopular opinion should not be banned outright by the majority. Only a third believed high school teachers have a right to express opinions that go against community standards. Some forty-six percent would grant to a federal board of censors the power to decide which televsion programs can or cannot be shown, and so on. The most remarkable aspects of freedom of speech in America is that the concept has survived so many challenges since it was first set out more than 200 years ago. Freedom of expression is the core value of democracy. When we allow it to be limited–no matter how necessary or well-meaning the limits seem– we do so at our own peril. Chief Justice Earl Warren once wrote, “Our own interests are so personal to each of us that it is often extremely difficult to
appreciate a problem in the light of interest of others." Yet, this is what we must do. . . There are
neither rights nor freedoms in any meaningful sense unless they can be enjoyed by all.”
Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistant that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.
[Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason]
[Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason]
Monday, November 14, 2005
We Are Stardust
D. Bowden
There is not one thing in the entire vast universe that remains as it is. Every thing, living or inanimate, changes. Some say even the universe itself will at some point in the incomprehensible infinity contract inside itself, swallowing every atom and molecule up, then will be born again with the next "big bang" and our recycled particles will begin anew.
"It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I also cannot imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere. ... Science has been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
- — Albert Einstein, Religion and Science, New York Times Magazine (9 November 1930); also used in the obituary in New York Times
- (19 April 1955)
Life is Here and Now
By D. Bowden
I recently saw the film "March of the Penquins." These creatures live an isolated life, yet, disaster finds them at every turn. When a baby penguin dies, the mother grieves. Same for elephants, and many other non-human creatures. Christians will say, "they are only animals, you cannot compare humans and animals." But Christians believe that their God created ALL things, and this is the only cruel way an all powerful and supreme being would think to set things up? The way things are is in total contradiction to loving ways of a god who supposedly could make things ANY way it chooses...yet this god of biblical mythology chooses bloodshed in many forms to get his way. (The Old Testament is the bloodiest and violent piece of literature ever published.) Innocent children suffering or being murdered at the hands of their own creator, good people dying at the hands of evil-doers while a "loving heavenly father looks on and allows it to happen?" Instinctively in nature, a loving parent or guardian jumps in there and puts himself between the danger and the children in his or her care. The Christian god sits back and lets it all happen. Christians, when faced with this question, impatiently answer, "it is not for us to question God's ways." We are made with questioning minds aren't we? Believers, or wannabe believers, always have a comeback and they cannot satisfactorily address these questions.
Most religious people live FOR the afterlife, looking to the great beyond where things are going to be so awesome with "heavenly father" who promises streets paved with gold and no more pain and heartache. So, if this were true, why bother with this world? If heaven is the goal, then why put all these people into what they believe is a cesspool holding pen of wickedness when things are so much better "up there"? I also cannot understand why Christians become upset when a loved one dies since they believe they will see this person again. Christians, and other relgious groups such as Muslim, Jews, etc. believe the dearly departed is going to their ultimate goal..yet when faced with the death of the loved one they scream, cry, moan, and grieve loudly and long. Collapsing across coffins, pounding their fists in rage and anquish. If they truly believe, wouldn't it be more likely the ones left behind should have a party and celebrate the "passing on" to a "better place"! They should be thrilled for the departed and excited for when it is their turn! Instead, the reaction is the same grief as any other living thing. I am told that is because grief is a HUMAN reaction. I agree, it is a HUMAN reaction, but not strictly. Many animals also grieve, (as I have stated above). With Christianity and other religions that focus on death, there is always an excuse instead of admitting that they DO NOT REALLY BELIEVE IT. IF they REALLY BELIEVED they are going to be rejoined with their loved ones in heaven with their loving heavenly father, they would NOT BE SAD. There is a question in their minds that they do not want to admit. If their claims were true and they truly believed they were going to be with their loved ones again, it would be no different than saying goodbye to someone who is going on a long trip..."bye, see you later!" Instead, grief most often never goes away and stays with a person for the rest of their lives after a loss of a loved one or friend.
Since the beginning of time as we understand it, humans have been searching for a reason for their seemingly meaningless existence and for ways to cope with their inevitable demise. In order to cope with their perceived crappiness of life here on planet earth, and things that cannot be explained, humans turn to booze, pills, food, television, porn, working out, music, and any number of things, and then religion, which often goes hand in hand with any of the above and in any combination. The pressures and stresses of living are sometimes so great that some people can no longer cope at all and just totally give it all up, religious or non-religious...makes no difference. It is all in the attitudes that are instilled inside them, and how much they WANT to survive for as long as possible. Some have a much better outlook about the world we live in than others.
Along with many good things that happen in this world, there is also bad. In addition to horrendous things done in the name of politics, religion and so on, something is being killed, eaten, dying a pathetic death and most of the time underservingly. If whatever happens to a "believer" is good, God or Allah is given credit, if it is bad, then it is man's fault or just natural disaster ... or the evil and ever-lurking Satan. If a god is in control why would this god let the horrors continue? Especially to the innocent and his faithful? Because there is NO ONE pulling strings....It is NATURE or human's being cruel to one another. As for natural things, something must die so something may LIVE. Even the crucifixion story is set up like this, it is based on NATURAL ORDER... the baby penquin dies so the albatross may live, the antelope dies so the lion might live...then Christians say Jesus died so "we all" may live. So, why do humans die? So a god might live? That is aburd!
What do I believe then? I believe in the HUMAN RESILIENCE AND SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. MOTHER NATURE...I believe humans are responsible for evil acts, either intentionally or unintentionally due to any one of millions of causes ranging from psychological to environmental, poverty and ignorance, to greed and callousness. Many violences in nature are just ugly necessities, like the albatross eating the penquin chick for dinner so it can survive at least another day.
I must admit that I don't do as much as I should to make the world a better place, but I am not living with my head in the clouds, or in the sand either. I am not proclaiming to believe one thing and living in contradiction against my professed beliefs. If we just sit back and say some voodoo prayers, wait for a heavenly father to wrinkle up this crappy "rough draft" of his supposed creation and start anew, this whole universe is DOOMED. We all need to open our eyes and see how really good LIFE is HERE AND NOW...HERE ON PLANET EARTH.
By D. Bowden
I recently saw the film "March of the Penquins." These creatures live an isolated life, yet, disaster finds them at every turn. When a baby penguin dies, the mother grieves. Same for elephants, and many other non-human creatures. Christians will say, "they are only animals, you cannot compare humans and animals." But Christians believe that their God created ALL things, and this is the only cruel way an all powerful and supreme being would think to set things up? The way things are is in total contradiction to loving ways of a god who supposedly could make things ANY way it chooses...yet this god of biblical mythology chooses bloodshed in many forms to get his way. (The Old Testament is the bloodiest and violent piece of literature ever published.) Innocent children suffering or being murdered at the hands of their own creator, good people dying at the hands of evil-doers while a "loving heavenly father looks on and allows it to happen?" Instinctively in nature, a loving parent or guardian jumps in there and puts himself between the danger and the children in his or her care. The Christian god sits back and lets it all happen. Christians, when faced with this question, impatiently answer, "it is not for us to question God's ways." We are made with questioning minds aren't we? Believers, or wannabe believers, always have a comeback and they cannot satisfactorily address these questions.
Most religious people live FOR the afterlife, looking to the great beyond where things are going to be so awesome with "heavenly father" who promises streets paved with gold and no more pain and heartache. So, if this were true, why bother with this world? If heaven is the goal, then why put all these people into what they believe is a cesspool holding pen of wickedness when things are so much better "up there"? I also cannot understand why Christians become upset when a loved one dies since they believe they will see this person again. Christians, and other relgious groups such as Muslim, Jews, etc. believe the dearly departed is going to their ultimate goal..yet when faced with the death of the loved one they scream, cry, moan, and grieve loudly and long. Collapsing across coffins, pounding their fists in rage and anquish. If they truly believe, wouldn't it be more likely the ones left behind should have a party and celebrate the "passing on" to a "better place"! They should be thrilled for the departed and excited for when it is their turn! Instead, the reaction is the same grief as any other living thing. I am told that is because grief is a HUMAN reaction. I agree, it is a HUMAN reaction, but not strictly. Many animals also grieve, (as I have stated above). With Christianity and other religions that focus on death, there is always an excuse instead of admitting that they DO NOT REALLY BELIEVE IT. IF they REALLY BELIEVED they are going to be rejoined with their loved ones in heaven with their loving heavenly father, they would NOT BE SAD. There is a question in their minds that they do not want to admit. If their claims were true and they truly believed they were going to be with their loved ones again, it would be no different than saying goodbye to someone who is going on a long trip..."bye, see you later!" Instead, grief most often never goes away and stays with a person for the rest of their lives after a loss of a loved one or friend.
Since the beginning of time as we understand it, humans have been searching for a reason for their seemingly meaningless existence and for ways to cope with their inevitable demise. In order to cope with their perceived crappiness of life here on planet earth, and things that cannot be explained, humans turn to booze, pills, food, television, porn, working out, music, and any number of things, and then religion, which often goes hand in hand with any of the above and in any combination. The pressures and stresses of living are sometimes so great that some people can no longer cope at all and just totally give it all up, religious or non-religious...makes no difference. It is all in the attitudes that are instilled inside them, and how much they WANT to survive for as long as possible. Some have a much better outlook about the world we live in than others.
Along with many good things that happen in this world, there is also bad. In addition to horrendous things done in the name of politics, religion and so on, something is being killed, eaten, dying a pathetic death and most of the time underservingly. If whatever happens to a "believer" is good, God or Allah is given credit, if it is bad, then it is man's fault or just natural disaster ... or the evil and ever-lurking Satan. If a god is in control why would this god let the horrors continue? Especially to the innocent and his faithful? Because there is NO ONE pulling strings....It is NATURE or human's being cruel to one another. As for natural things, something must die so something may LIVE. Even the crucifixion story is set up like this, it is based on NATURAL ORDER... the baby penquin dies so the albatross may live, the antelope dies so the lion might live...then Christians say Jesus died so "we all" may live. So, why do humans die? So a god might live? That is aburd!
What do I believe then? I believe in the HUMAN RESILIENCE AND SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. MOTHER NATURE...I believe humans are responsible for evil acts, either intentionally or unintentionally due to any one of millions of causes ranging from psychological to environmental, poverty and ignorance, to greed and callousness. Many violences in nature are just ugly necessities, like the albatross eating the penquin chick for dinner so it can survive at least another day.
I must admit that I don't do as much as I should to make the world a better place, but I am not living with my head in the clouds, or in the sand either. I am not proclaiming to believe one thing and living in contradiction against my professed beliefs. If we just sit back and say some voodoo prayers, wait for a heavenly father to wrinkle up this crappy "rough draft" of his supposed creation and start anew, this whole universe is DOOMED. We all need to open our eyes and see how really good LIFE is HERE AND NOW...HERE ON PLANET EARTH.
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