I'm an atheist, and that's it. I believe there's nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for other people.
Katherine Hepburn - Ladies' Home Journal (October 1991)
Freethinker: : one that forms opinions on the basis of reason independently of authority; especially : one who doubts or denies religious dogma By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out. Richard Dawkins, in "Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder,"
The word atheist means "without belief." It is acceptance of the natural ways of life and how things are. It is not a fight against it or a desire to "conquer" death. We live, we die, life goes on after us. I find no need to believe in a religion. The thing about religion is that there never has been any evidence for any religion. Only what HUMANS have WRITTEN in some ancient books. It's just a "feeling" and some people want or need to have it and some of us don't. Most of my "believing" friends are sad a lot and can't cope with anything even with having this so-called belief.
I'm not sure that our concept of religion is the same. For me religion is above all to accept the natural ways of life and I cannot see it as a fight against death. I see it as a Life Force, a balance between positive and negative influences. Man has fantasized on these 'emotions' creating the world religions of today but I would dig deeper.........
Thanks for pointing out the true definition of the word 'atheist'
Ofcourse you are right there is no denying that one has every right 'not to believe'.
Too many people here in the USA only use their religion to "escape death" and focus on "the rewards of heaven" and always looking upward into the sky instead of around here where they are and they too often ignore the needs of others, are prejudice and hateful, and only look at their religion as an escape from hell and an excuse to judge everyone else. People who hold different beliefs from the majority are looked upon as "evil" and heathens, but we are trying to change that stereotype of non-believers. I DO have a belief in PEACE and TOLERANCE and NATURE. But these religious fanatics are not content to leave us with our beliefs and want to force what they believe even into a government that was founded on freedom of religion and separation of church and state. They even want, and HAVE forced these beliefs on other countries even to the point of warring with them. It's just not right.
I think we have a cross section on the same wave length Stardust :)
It is comforting to know that there are people like yourself out there in the world. If we reach out, we will find other like-minded individuals. We may not agree on everything, but we can agree that peace is what we should be striving for, and that we need to be one with nature and take time to see the beauty in the world in which we live...and also the solar system, universe, etc. :-)
I don't need an imaginary god to tell me to be kind, I do it because I treat people the way I want to be treated. It's how society gets along. There is no reward, no punishments for doing right or wrong, and we can have morals and ethics without a god. (I do believe in universal ideals, however not believe in an ontological Trinity.) There is just far too much contradiction in religion, between religions, in addition to lack of evidence for the existence of a god.
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