Monday, May 07, 2007

I love Freethunk!

The Rapture is one of the most absurd and ridiculous concepts ever invented and believed by humans. And the ones who believe it will tell Hindus that they are entirely absurd in their beliefs about reincarnation. What a world!


Toni said...

HA! That is so wrong yet so funny.

Mikayla Starstuff said...

LOL That is too funny!

beepbeepitsme said...

Jetison the fatties. Christians will need to stay away from Mac Donald's now.

Susan said...

This really cracked me up--what a great post! It reminded me of a coworker who was getting frustrated with her job and life, in general, a couple of months ago. One day she shared her true feelings with us when she stated, "I hope I'm raptured soon." And, yes, she was dead serious. (Not one of our brighter employees.)