Thursday, July 19, 2007

Atheist bookshelves growing

I went to a Border's bookstore in a Northwest Indiana town with my mother a couple days ago near where she lives (she lives in Illinois near the Illinois/Indiana border). Indiana, for the most part is pretty well-populated with Southern Baptists and other evangelical Christians, so I was happily surprised to find a sign in the Border's store that said "ATHEISM" to label a section of books and freethought materials! While Border's has always offered a small selection of atheist books, this is the first time I have actually seen the collection labeled with a permanently affixed sign. AND a display set up which featured books by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and others.

I've also been pleased by the progress being made in the town I live in. Our town's slogan (here in Chicago's far southwest suburbs) is "Home of Proud Americans" and was for many years a very conservative, right-wing community. Not an atheist or freethought book could be found amongst the stacks of the local library. There were a couple of old Bertrand Russell's "Why I am not a Christian" hidden in the bottom of the religious book section, and there were some books on Hinduism, Buddhism and other world religions, but none could be found concerning atheism, agnosticism, secular humanism, or freethought.

But, times are a-changing and when I was recently at our new two-story library that was built a couple years ago, I decided to look to see if they had become more open to including books on atheism. I did a quick search in their database fo
r Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins and others, they were all in there, and some were on the shelves but many were checked out...meaning people are actually reading them. When I went to the shelves to find these authors, what I found was about a dozen shelves full of books about atheism, agnosticism, secular humanism and freethought. Oh happy day! Everything cometh to he who waits! Freedom of speech and acceptance of secularism have finally reached our growing village.


vjack said...

That sounds encouraging. I haven't checked our library, but I'd be surprised to find anything. I'm guessing the fundies would probably vandalize whatever was there anyway. Still, I think I'll donate any atheist-oriented book I don't plan to re-read to the library.

Stardust said...

We have security cameras (big brother) at various positions around the library to keep an eye on things and so I am sure that if anyone vandalized anything they would be able to look back on the tapes and see who did it. It's sad that we have to resort to video cameras to watch our every move, but on the other hand what other alternatives are left to protect library and store property and merchandise?

Naomi said...

If I were an atheist librarian, I'd check every atheist book as it came back in, whether in person or out of the dropbox; the book could be defaced, had xian hate-speech scribbled (in crayon *snark*) or pages ripped out...

Evil is as evil does.

Hmmm...I wonder if our favorite librarian/gun-nut checks his books back in as carefully as I would...

Naomi said...

Oh, and congratulations for being mentioned on The Freethinker! His post on you is very attractive; or maybe "her post"...

Stardust said...

hey, thanks naomi! Yeah, I was looking through my sitemeter and saw that The Freethought visited me and when I went over there I saw that one of their writers did a post on my post. How cool is that?

The Freethought is a great website and I encourage everyone to go over there and have a read.

Stardust said...

Oh, here is the link to The Freethinker website

Barry Duke said...

Hi Stardust, thanks for posting a link to the Freethinker website. I have been enjoying your stimulating blog for ages, and am pleased to have received a mention in your blog. And to Naomi, I am, in fact, of the male variety - but, hey, no-one's perfect. Or to quote from my favourite fridge magnet: "Christians aren't perfect - they just want YOU to be!

Naomi said...

Good one, Barry!

And I love men! Honestly! I just find XIAN men to be unbearably autocratic, authoritarian, pedantic, and biased against women, women's rights and women's autonomy. And I've yet to find an male atheist who behaves that way.

Ballroom dancing requires me to be submissive - for about five minutes at a stretch. Since it makes for a nicer dance, I can go along with it for that long...

Other than that, I like atheist men quite well.