Friday, August 18, 2006

Water spouting tree mystery solved (The rational among us knew there was an logical reason for this)

Aug. 17 (UPI) -- San Antonio's water department may have solved the mystery of the water spouting tree in a resident's backyard but that hasn't stopped the curiosity seekers.

The so-called weeping tree stopped weeping when the water supply was turned off to the house. City officials say the tree had tapped into an active water line running to a sink in a shed in the resident's backyard. The city said the water also tested positive for chlorine residue, reports the San Antonio Express-News.

But the visitors' flow hasn't stopped. "I tell them all how it is, and they still want it," said the homeowner. "I figure if they are still that strong in their faith, knowing all that, then go on."

People stubbornly cling to their sky daddy beliefs in the face of logic and reason!

There is now a "Do Not Enter" spray-painted sign on the chain link fence around the driveway.

Water started leaking non-stop from the tree three months ago and for a while there were no logical explanations.

"I pray it's from God," said one visitor. "And nothing will be false here. How can water go up a tree?"

It is not clear what the city, or the homeowner, plans to do next.


vjack said...

What a classic example of Christian idiocy! When provided with a reasonable explanation which has been verified, they cling to their mindless faith. This right here is what is wrong with religion.

JDHURF said...

Hmm... I have to wonder. Does the fact that some people do that mean that something is wrong with them?

It suggests that their critical thinkings skills are not as refined as they might otherwise be.

JDHURF said...

Hmm... I have to wonder. Does the fact that some people do that mean that something is wrong with them?

It suggests that their critical thinkings skills are not as refined as they might otherwise be.

Anonymous said...

JDhurf, you're not saying that their critical thinking skills are not as refined as they should be, are you? :-)

Stardust said...

What is hilarious...yet creepy at the same time, is that when a logical explanation was provided, religious fruitcakes still lined up with their buckets to collect the water! They choose to live in denial of reality.