Friday, October 05, 2007

Milky Way/Andromeda -- eventual collision

Animation by the SDSC (San Diego Supercomputer Centre) of the eventual merging of the Milky Way and andromeda galaxies over the next 6-7 billion years (clock top right) and the probable effects it will have on our solar system (shown in red). (In 4-5 billion years our sun would have become a red giant, in 6 a planetray nebula and in 7 a white dwarf). More info- SDSC info-


tina FCD said...

Wow, that was cool.

Tommykey said...

Then we will have one big galaxy, the Milky Andromeda Way Galaxy.

If I could only live to see it happen!

Stardust said...

It would be so awesome to see, wouldn't it tommy? BUT it's cool to know that our particles from our bodies will all be a part of it all...though we don't get to see it.

Stardust said...

Watching this video makes me think that our solar system will be going on one big cosmic "amusement park ride". LOL! Wheeeee! (Earth will be incinerated at this point, however.)

CyberKitten said...

Stardust... I have finally responded to your 'Evolution' tag.

Stardust said...

thanks cyberkitten, I will be over to read it soon!