Religion has been at the center of this presidential campaign like no other campaign I can remember since I have been old enough to vote. And recently churches have been investigated for preaching politics from their altars. Is this the norm for the majority of evangelicals? This recent survey of moderate evangelical leaders say NO! candidate endorsements and feel the "pulpit has no place for electioneering. Are they speaking the truth or is it just that they have a way of dancing around the legalities and getting their messages across in different ways? Maybe I am just a bit suspicious because of how evangelicals are so eager to tear down the wall between separation of church and state at every opportunity.
From American's United
Pulpit Politicking? Many Evangelical Leaders Say No (!) To Candidate Endorsements
There is that little thing I was talking about . . . . getting their message across in subtle ways..."We continually endeavor to have a prophetic note in our preaching that addresses the various social issues….We leave it to each parishioner to evaluate the candidates and to make their own personal decision about who they will vote for.”A new survey of moderate evangelical leaders suggests they see no room for partisan politics in their pulpits. The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) last month asked the CEOs from 60 evangelical churches, universities and affiliated organizations if their “churches advise parishioners who to vote for.”
The answer: “No!” (Most respondents, the article says, actually used an exclamation mark.)
NAE President Leith Anderson said in a press release that answers to such survey questions are usually across the board, “but this time was different.” Only one out of 60 respondents said he tells parishioners which candidate(s) the church supports.
Some respondents even squeezed in personal observations on the subject, even though the survey didn’t leave room for comments.
“We do not advise who to vote for,” one denominational leader wrote. “We continually endeavor to have a prophetic note in our preaching that addresses the various social issues….We leave it to each parishioner to evaluate the candidates and to make their own personal decision about who they will vote for.”
Yeah, okay.
And I should add if it wasn't for their precious tax exempt status being threatened, the survey results would be much different.
What you added is dead on. Though it wasn't overt sanctioning of candidates (in my fundy days), the message about "whom" was always very clear.
This takes a second but really is comedy gold.
spirula, that is sofa king funny!
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