Agent: S.C. teen accused in school plot wanted to kill Jesus
FLORENCE, S.C. - A teen accused of plotting to blow up his high school told police that he wanted to die, go to heaven and kill Jesus, federal authorities said Tuesday.
[Someone should tell him that the way to “kill Jeebus” is simply to stop believing]Prosecutors argued in a federal courtroom that the statements are an indication that 18-year-old Ryan Schallenberger needs a psychological evaluation. The straight-A Chesterfield High School senior was arrested April 19 and faces several state and federal charges, including attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. That charge carries a possible life sentence if he is convicted.
“His conduct is bizarre,” prosecutor Buddy Bethea told Judge Thomas Rogers III, who did not immediately issue a ruling. “I think it screams out in his conduct that he be evaluated.”
[All people who have imaginary friends should be “evaluated” so it won’t get to this point.]
And the mother really has her head up her ass . . .
Prosecutors also played a 911 tape of the teen’s mother calling police after he smashed his head into a wall two days before his arrest. On the tape, she says her son threatened to shoot police if they came.
“He’s not going to do it,” Laurie Sittler told the operator. “He’s just got a bad temper.”
Even though . . .
Schallenberger was arrested after his parents picked up at the post office a package addressed to the teen containing 20 pounds of ammonium nitrate. They got nervous and looked through his room where they found a cassette tape he wanted played after he died, which they took to the sheriff’s office, the agent testified. Authorities found his journal, which lauded the Columbine killers, after searching his room.
The 50-page journal contained notes on more than 10 types of explosives that Schallenberger experimented with and evaluated a year ago, the agent testified. It had a black cover and “Pisces” written on the front, and authorities have said it contained detailed plans to bomb Chesterfield High School.
And fundies will probably blame this on atheism or Satan or something.
Someone should tell him that the way to “kill Jeebus” is simply to stop believing
That was classic. Great post, but that one line got me lmao. Thanks, I needed that!
Did it explain what Jeebus did that so offended Ryan?
He could go to communion regularly and EAT Jeebus's body and DRINK Jeebus's BLOOD.
"I'll eat him to death."
Cannibalism alleviates anger, and brings World Peace, it says so right on the religion box!
On the other hand,
"Quod me nutrit me destruit
"what nourishes me also destroys me"
The kid's just pissed because the jesus defeated him in bowling.
db, glad to give you a laugh! The kid was making a simple problem so complex though, wasn't he?
richard, glad to see you came back to comment. That whole transubstantiation thing can really screw people up in the head.
Jason, too funny! HA!
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