It happens everywhere in the world where there are god believers in times of disaster. They say that their god brought this upon them, that their god saves some and brings miracles of survival to others, lets some come through it all unscathed while others perish. And while they fear this invisible entity for which there is no evidence of its existence, they also continue to praise their gods, even more likely to praise their gods in the worst of times.
LINK: Haitians praise their god after apocalyptic quake
“Why give thanks to God? Because we are here,” Toussaint said. “We say ‘Thank you God.’ What happened is the will of God. We are in the hands of God now.”
It’s mind boggling how these people can still cling to the idea that there is some huge invisible overlord who wills disasters and the deaths of thousands in a matter of minutes. And even more puzzling is how can they still praise this sort of being and call him “good”!
At the roofless cathedral, elderly women worried the beads of their rosaries and prayed for the intervention of Our Lady Of The Ascension, to whom the 81-year-old church is named.
This being they follow is so horrible they must beg via another magical being for “intervention.”
Then you get the “end of times” bullcrap that we so often hear from the superstitious folks:
An apparently demented elderly woman began preaching on the sideline of the Mass: “Where is our justice? Now the palace of justice has been broken down … we are all infected by disease. The end is near.”
Must seem like it amidst all the rubble. I can understand the hopeless feeling of the victims.
And a woman was pulled alive, dehydrated but otherwise uninjured, from the ruins of the Montana Hotel, to the applause of onlookers.
The son of co-owner Nadine Cardoso said he could hear her voice from the rubble. Twelve hours later, with more than 20 friends and relatives watching, she was lowered from a hill of debris on a stretcher.
“It’s a little miracle,” her husband, Reinhard Riedl, said after hearing she was alive in the wreckage. “She’s one tough cookie. She is indestructible.”
But the rescue was bittersweet for Cardoso’s sister Gerthe: Rescuers had to abandon a search for her 7-year-old grandson after an aftershock closed a space where he was believed to be.
So an imaginary being, is sitting up in his other dimension looking down and snuffing out some men, women and children, and then allowing others to live as if he were sorting through beans for soup.
At the cathedral, the Rev. Toussaint described his own near-miraculous survival.
“I watched the destruction of the cathedral from this window,” he said, pointing to a window in what remains of the archdiocese office. “I am not dead because God has a plan for me.”
“What happens is a sign from God, saying that we must recognize his power – we need to reinvent ourselves,”
It’s pathetic how so many believe they are the special pet of an imaginary supernatural Sky Daddy, and that this being causes suffering and devastation to “recognize him”…wouldn’t just appearing to us all in the clouds above every nation so that every person on Earth can see him all at one time be a way to make us recognize his power if he exists? Why be cruel and destructive and violent when he has the power to show himself in a peaceful way? If a human parent tears apart the house and destroys things and kills, then that parent is taken away to jail, locked up and brought to justice…and the children taken away.
But so many think it is just fine for their god to behave in such a way that human beings would be arrested and probably executed for.