Throughout history mental illness has been associated with ghosts and spirits of the dead. Maybe it's because humans fear the mentally ill, fear of becoming mentally ill, combined with the fear of death and the influence of afterlife beliefs.
IOWA CITY, Iowa - County officials have given their informal OK for ghost hunters to check out a one-time insane asylum to see if any spirits are lurking about.
The Johnson County Board of Supervisors took the initial action on the request from the Johnson County Historical Society, which gives tours of the 153-year-old building.Brandon Cochran, museum operations assistant for the historical society, said there have never been reports of ghosts or bizarre happenings at the building and that bringing in a paranormal team is "kind of taking the pre-emptive approach.
He wants an Iowa-based paranormal investigative team to come in for one night. Cochran said he hopes they don't find any paranormal activity and the investigation can put to rest any speculation.
A four-person Carroll Area Paranormal Team will use thermal imaging equipment and voice recording systems, Cochran said.
A date for an investigation wasn't set and an agreement will have to be drafted releasing the county of any liability before the supervisors formally approve the request, Cochran said.
The remaining wing was built in 1855 and housed mentally ill patients who were deemed insane. It was a self-sufficient 160-acre site with residents growing corn, potatoes, wheat, hay and tobacco.
The building is now called Chatham Oaks, and houses people with physical and mental disabilities. Chatham Oaks officials said there wouldn't be a problem with the paranormal team coming in as long as it didn't disturb residents, said county facilities director Dave Kempf.
If adults could remember when they had a child's imagination, it would be easier to relate to mental illness. Of course it would depend on what type of mental illness.
If they pay me, I'll go do the exorcism.
hi tina, there seems to be lots of money in this god and other supernatural phenomena. Just look how much money can be made doing religious films and how much money films about ghosts and spirits, etc make. People pay other people to tell them their fortunes based on a stack of cards, or crystal balls. Humans are so superstitious and there are lots of people getting rich off of exploiting those beliefs.
Funny that most of the people I know who believe in Tarot card readings and ghosts and stuff are also Christians.
This is funny!
Jason, that's hilarious! LOL!
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