This story is so incredibly sad because the little girl's death was so unnecessary. And all because of religious superstition instead of seeking medical help. It is what I say all the time. Nothing happens without human intervention. Sit and wait for a god to come, and you will die, your children will die. Sometimes we die anyway because there are things medical science cannot cure. But there are many things that medicine can cure, and in this child's case, simply getting injections of insulin would have saved her and allowed her to lead a full and normal life.
WESTON - The mother of an 11-year-old girl who died of untreated diabetes said Wednesday that she did not know her daughter was terminally ill as she prayed for her to get better. Madeline Neumann died Sunday from a treatable form of diabetes. Her mother, Leilani Neumann, told The Associated Press that she never expected her daughter, whom she called Kara, to die. The family believes in the Bible, and it says healing comes from God, but they are not crazy, religious people, she said. The girl's father, Dale Neumann, a former police officer, said he has friends who are doctors. He started CPR "as soon as the breath of life left" his daughter's body, he said. Other family members called 911 to seek emergency help, Leilani Neumann said. "We are remaining strong for our children," she said. "Only our faith in God is giving us strength at this time.""Only our faith in God is giving us strength at this time"??? How the hell can they say that when they heard only silence when their daughter died from prayers to their imaginary friend? People are so stubbornly and purposely stupid!
Ironically, these same monsters are most likely pro-lifers who protest the aborting of a zygote.
I wonder if she's done something that is actionable under law? Criminal negligence maybe?
This idiot says it was an "accident" on the part of the parents, when in reality it was criminal neglect. Normal parental instincts are to do what is necessary to save the child. They had to have seen how terribly their child was suffering but did nothing except magical chanting.
Here’s the story of a baby whose parents ARE being charged in her death. She would have gotten better if she had received antibiotics.
Yahoo news March 27, 2008
OREGON CITY, Ore. - Prosecutors are reviewing the death of a 15-month-old girl who a medical examiner says could have been saved if she had been treated with antibiotics
If prosecuted, the child’s parents would be the first members of Oregon City’s Followers of Christ group to face charges for failing to seek medical treatment for a gravely ill child.
“We are reviewing the case, and our investigation is progressing,” said Greg Horner, Clackamas County chief deputy district attorney. He did not release the parents’ names.
Dr. Christopher Young, a deputy state medical examiner, said that the baby, Ava Worthington, died March 2 at home from bacterial bronchial pneumonia and infection.
He said both conditions could have been prevented or treated with antibiotics. The child’s breathing was further compromised by a benign cyst that had never been medically addressed and could have been removed from her neck, Young said.
The Followers of Christ Church came to Oregon early in the 20th century. According to church tradition, when members become ill, fellow worshippers pray and anoint them with oil. Former members say those who seek modern medical remedies are ostracized.
Prosecutors could charge the baby’s parents under a law enacted in 1999 after several faith-healing deaths of children.
The statute eliminated Oregon’s “spiritual-healing defense” in cases of second-degree manslaughter, first- and second-degree criminal mistreatment and nonpayment of child support.
The Legislature passed the bill after months of debate over religious freedom, parental rights and the state’s responsibility to protect children.
We must not let this distract us from the need to elect John Sidney McCain the 3rd in November to win the war against Islamic terrorism. Letting a few children die because they have retarded fundy parents is the price we have to pay to protect us from sharia law and Islamofascism.
tommy....LOL! :D
I saw that story and Immediately thought of you, Starry. I knew you would do a post about this absurdity!
And Tommy - LOL - Thanks!
As long as there are huge numbers of people who believe they will strike it big if they keep playing the lottery, there will still be people who believe that praying is better than not praying.
As for me, I refrain from both activities.
Me too, tommy. The biggest lottery players I know are Christians, probably praying that God will choose them to win big.
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