Yet another example of fine “Christian morals” and why we should have a Christian leader to set a moral example for all. (sarcasm) He looked like a nice family guy who loved his wife and someone who could really be trusted with that sweet baby face and talking about honesty and integrity, etc. Conservative Christians will start saying it’s the evil liberal influence, conveniently forgetting or excusing those Conservative adulterers who have sobbed their repentance on public television in the past.
Edwards admits to affair, denies fathering child
WASHINGTON - Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday admitted to an extramarital affair while his wife was battling cancer. He denied fathering the woman’s daughter.
Edwards told ABC News that he lied repeatedly about the affair with 42-year-old Rielle Hunter but said that he didn’t love her. He said he has not taken a paternity test but knows he isn’t the father because of the timing of the affair and the birth.A former Edwards campaign staffer claims he is the father, not Edwards.
Hunter’s daughter, Frances Quinn Hunter, was born on Feb. 27, 2008, and no father’s name is given on the birth certificate filed in California.
The National Enquirer first reported on the affair in October 2007, and Edwards denied it.
“The story is false,” he told reporters. “It’s completely untrue, ridiculous.”
Deja vu…being in the public spotlight, when will they ever learn?
The Enquirer carried another story last month, stating that its reporters had accosted Edwards in a Los Angeles hotel where he had met with Hunter after her child’s birth. Edwards called it “tabloid trash,” but he generally avoided reporters’ inquiries, as did his former top aides.
In the interview, scheduled to air on ABC News’ “Nightline,” Edwards said the tabloid was correct when it reported on his meeting with Hunter at the Beverly Hills Hotel last month.
David Bonior, Edwards’ campaign manager for his 2008 presidential bid, said Friday he was disappointed and angry after hearing about Edwards’ confession.
“Thousands of friends of the senators and his supporters have put their faith and confidence in him and he’s let him down,” said Bonior, a former congressman from Michigan. “They’ve been betrayed by his action.”
Asked whether the affair would damage Edwards’ future aspirations in public service, Bonior replied: “You can’t lie in politics and expect to have people’s confidence.”
“I want to see our party lead on the great moral issues — yes, me a Democrat using that word — the great moral issues that face our country,” Edwards tells the crowd. “If we want to live in a moral, honest just America and if we want to live in a moral and just world, we can’t wait for somebody else to do it. We have to do it.” [said Edwards back in 2006]
Is this latest revelation going to make it more difficult for the Democrats in this campaign?
And to think Ann Coulter called him a faggot.
Boy did she have him figured wrong!
I think we need to go the other way with this. One day it might be considered scandalous if a politician is not having an affair!
The Breck Girl shows how far one can get in politics, even being a sleazy trial lawyer, if one tells people what they want to hear.
This will have zero effect on the Messiah's campaign.
I actually liked the guy.
However sleasy and shameful it is for him, his wife, and his family it shouldn't mean anything to his ability to be president. But since we are such a puritannical country, Edwards hope for public office are dashed.
Its almost hysterical that we hold a politician to such high standards when we are worried about his/her family life, but let them get away with figuratively (and sometimes literally) with murder when they are in office.
A leader can get away with lying us into a war, having thousands of our soldiers die, tens of thousands of civilians die in a country we should never have invaded, but when a particular leader gets his doodle sucked in office, we have moral outrage.
Go figure.
The only thing this shows is that Edwards is a human being. If we expect our politicians (of any stripe) to be saints - something they are clearly not - then we will always be disappointed in them. But if we see them as people just like us we will no longer be surprised or shocked by their behaviour.
The only thing that matters is their *ability* to do the job they have been - or are about to be - elected to do.
"A leader can get away with lying us into a war"
This never happened. How can leftists doublethink so easily? John Edwards, the person in question, supported the war, along with Kerry, Biden, Clinton, Bayh, Reid, Dodd, Schumer, and many others. They voted for a resolution ambiguously titled "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq." Oh, the deception! Hillary even bragged about her support of it on national TV after we captured Saddam Hussein.
Anyway, Edwards cheated on his wife since she had cancer. Perhaps the gay community doesn't consider that selfish and mean, but everyone else does. Edwards is a creep.
Progressives have two standards, one for Republicans, and one for Democrats. This is what Herbert Marcuse, the architect of the New Left, called "liberating tolerance," which he defined as "intolerance against movements from the Right, and toleration of movements from the Left."
For example, no one applauded Republican Mark Foley for his enlightened views. Nor should they; he rightly resigned. Gerry Stubbs, a Democrat, once did the same thing, and was re-elected to the House six times.
How could I forget? I'm really amused when *feminists* defend this stuff. After promising to end the exploitation of women, to create gender equality, yadda yadda yadda, you know the movement is in trouble when feminists rationalize the behavior of creepy husbands who cheat on their wives after they get cancer.
it shouldn't mean anything to his ability to be president.
cyberkitten & greg,
While I agree that a certain president has gotten away with some much larger "crimes", it does not excuse the actions of John Edwards. He was campaigning on family values, Xian morals, etc. So, he lied to the people already. Some people may not take cheating and lying to a wife and family into consideration, but many people, the ones he was appealing to, DO take it very seriously. When a president or presidential candidate makes such a stupid "error in judgment" it only hurts his party and his own career when it comes out and I just don't get it. Throw it all way because you can't keep your willy in your pants.
I have been doing a lot of thinking about this since the Clinton cigar affair. (He was a lying cheater back in Arkansas when my husband and I were living there when my hubby was in the AF). He is a WOMANIZER. Whether he managed to do a good job as President does not excuse that he is a cheating bastard who broke a promise to the one he is supposed to love the most. In politics, wives and families are often "props" and it should be more acceptable for single people to be president. I always say that would be better anyway since politics is so time consuming and such a big strain for so many men and women who hold political office. Many have the strength and ability to juggle it all, but some are weak and unable.
A person of true honesty and integrity does not cheat and lie to his own family who he has promised to love and be devoted to. If he can't even keep his word to those he loves, then how the hell do we trust him to keep his word on anything. (And with most politicians we can't trust them to keep their word on anything).
In choosing my friends I look for honesty and loyalty. My husband is honest, loyal and intelligent. (We just celebrated 33 years of marriage yesterday and he has never cheated.)
While we may still choose to support a candidate because of party affiliation and loyalty, we cannot stand by and make excuses for dishonesty and weakness, especially when the person leading (or wanting to be elected) is preaching family values, and posing as a poster boy for good morals and leader of our nation.
The only reason these sleazeball liars and cheaters get so far in politics is because they have money. GW has shown that an idiot can become president when you have the money to pay for it. (And none of us complained that he was "only human.")
Edwards career in politics should rightfully end. One more lying bastard out of the way. He made his choice and knew the possible consequences and did it anyway. He did the same thing as Jimmy Swaggart...cheated, got caught and then a weepy confession and asking of forgiveness and I am sure Edwards feels he is forgiven by Jeebus.
He chose infidelity, lies, deceit and satisfying his uncontrollable sexual urges when he knows his wife needed him, the Democratic party needed him, etc. There is no excuse for it.
A person of true honesty and integrity does not cheat and lie to his own family who he has promised to love and be devoted to. If he can't even keep his word to those he loves, then how the hell do we trust him to keep his word on anything. (And with most politicians we can't trust them to keep their word on anything).
I agree. It is true that we are all humans and make mistakes. But it is one thing to slip up and cheat once and resolve never to do it again, it is entirely another thing to conduct an ongoing affair and lead a double life. When you are having an affair with someone while still purportedly loving the person to whom you are married, your spouse is being deprived of your time and affections being showered on the other person.
Exactly, Tommy. And if you want to live free and have multiple sexual partners, then don't get married and commit your love and loyalty to one person. It's dishonest.
I understand your view-point Stardust about Edwards affair. Yes it was despicable, but I still think a man's (or a woman's - who knows when that will happen) relationship to his/her spouse should have nothing to do with his/her policies as "leader of the free world".
And, sadly, we have to be realistic here. How many honest politicians do you really think there are in our government? I'd rather have a cheating bastard named Clinton over a lying son of a bitch named Dubya bush anyday of the week. I'd rather have someone who cheated on his wife than a guy that cheated on the american people.
And - Jason - you really can't be serious about "he didn't do any lying". Bull-shit!! He and his cronies continually preached that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction when we DID have evidence to the contrary. And to use the "mushroom cloud" scare tactic that your hero used was just plain despicable!!
Is it wrong that Edwards cheated on his wife while running a "moral" candidacy? Of course! And both sides of the aisle are guilty of it.
What I guess I'm saying is we are forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. Its sickening and disgusting, but thats how it is.
I'd like to be an optimist and say damn Edwards for his failings and hope that someone who is truly good and honest is going to take his place. But I just can't see that happening. Can you?
He and his cronies continually preached that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction when we DID have evidence to the contrary.
Exactly. They lied and got us into a quagmire we cannot get out.
I'd like to be an optimist and say damn Edwards for his failings and hope that someone who is truly good and honest is going to take his place. But I just can't see that happening. Can you?
HA! That'll be the day! Good, Honest + politician is only a dream. When one goes into politics they must know how to lie, have no scruples, steal and cheat and not get caught. Then since they are always Christians, they can do whatever wrongs they want to do because their imaginary friend will forgive them and relieve them of the guilt.
I don't understand these people when they get caught red-handed. They continue to lie. The lying is worse than the thing they are lying about. The truth will come out, so why not just say "ok...I did it" and then go through their imaginary forgiveness rituals or whatever. How such stupid ass people get to such high positions can only be via lots and lots of money.
I agree with ya Stardust.
Why not just admit it and take your lumps. Don't go all Larry Craig on us and declare you are innocent and you were framed ... yada yada yada.
I'm amazed that he's still in office though isn't he supposed to retire after his term is up?
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