Swedish ‘cowboy church’ called abusive
MALMO, Sweden, Aug. 21 (UPI) — A Swedish church that operates out of a cowboy theme park is being accused by former members of being a violent religious sect.
The Kingdom Center’s pastor, Christer Segerliv, who calls himself the Sheriff of Lone Star, allegedly bullies members and their children to work long hours at the theme park and conference center. He also forces participation in extremist exorcism ceremonies, said former church members interviewed on a Swedish public service broadcast Tuesday.
One former congregation member who declined to give her name, alleged that Segerliv forced her to be part of one bizarre ceremony, The Local reported Thursday.
“He was supposed to pray for me but instead he threw himself on top of me and knocked me to the ground”, she said on the program. “It was very violent.”
Segerliv denied the allegations.
“They should have interviewed somebody who is currently a member of the congregation in order to get a fairer picture,” he said to the local newspaper Kvallsposten.
So, it’s like the saying about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence, it’s not. They’re everywhere.
Check out the Swedish cowboys and cowgirls for God who want to spread their “kingdom” everywhere on earth. Yeeeehaaaaw!
Stupid is conquering the globe. I wonder if it is unstoppable.
Stupidity has always been unstoppable, hasn't it? Has there ever been an era when stupid didn't exist?
Hmmmm...I don't know what's worse. The fact that a new mega church has sprung up or that its a country and western one!
I'm surprised no one in the states has come up with that one yet.
It's morbidly entertaining in a Sweden-Does-Country kind of way.
Weird, just...weird. :)
I'm surprised no one in the states has come up with that one yet.
coyote moon, my brother found a church that is rock and roll...non-denominational. They can eat and drink in the sanctuary during the service, and they wear their Judas Priest and Metallica t-shirts and jeans and have rock music. So, this isn't that far-fetched. And I do believe that those cowboy churches do exist in the USA. They have to rely on entertainment to keep people coming. Music, entertainment, sermons, pretty stories, all emotional influence to keep the masses interested.
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