"I know that I am right and that is why I do not have to question anything."
Funny if it wasn't so sad.
Funny if it wasn't so sad.

Not to know is bad;
not to wish to know is worse
(African proverb)
not to wish to know is worse
(African proverb)
"I know that I am right and that is why I do not have to question anything."
Damn, wish I could live that easily! Not question anything! Not really, that is really sad to say the least. I know you had to have had an impact on her, she went away because you did have an impact on her.
She's thinking about this all the time now. Good.
Tina, yep, that is a pretty easy and lazy way out, isn't it? Just pretend in a little fantasy world and you just don't have to bother thinking. Yes, she went away when she didn't like what she was hearing and she wasn't able to rebut anything we brought up to her. And then when I went to her blog, she became flustered once again.
I will leave her be now since she is still young and hopefully one day she will remember something that we told her. And hopefully she can break away just a little bit to think for herself for once.
"I know that I am right and that is why I do not have to question anything."
Wow, if Lauren is so brilliant and knowledgeable at 17, just imagine how smart she will be when she's 40? I tremble to think what she might accomplish as an adult!
Oh, and one pet peeve about having to type in letters in order for comments to be accepted, sometimes it is hard to tell if it is vvv or vw or wv.
tommy, is it me or does it seem like Blogger has made it especially difficult to read those damn letters? It's getting to be so annoying, I find myself irrationally swearing at Blogger as I am trying for the third or fourth time of typing the goddam letter code!
this is another clip for Lauren. She's like the video store customer.
LOL! That is exactly like Lauren, tommy. How do you find these things?
I came across it as I was looking for another clip from Clerks.
For Lauren, I was originally hoping to get the scene from the original Planet of the Apes where the three orangutans at Taylor's tribunal copies the "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" pose, but I did not find it.
tommy, she was also trying to sucker me into the Pee Wee Herman thing..."I know you are, but what am I? You say Ben Stein's movie is boring, well...all the links you gave me are boring too...so there!"
She is quite immature for 17.
She keeps going on and on about her "thesis" as if it's so difficult. High school thesis assignments are the easiest things in the world. If she thinks they are difficult, then maybe she should go to a fundie university where academics are minimal.
I still remember a Bill Maher show when he interviewed John Cougar (from the band John Cougar Mellencamp). I kind of liked his music "back in the day", but when he told Bill that he thought it was great that so many Americans in the south are ignorant, I (and of course Bill) lost it!
There's nothing at all good about ignorance. I'd rather know something, even bad things, than to put a blind eye to the world.
he told Bill that he thought it was great that so many Americans in the south are ignorant, I (and of course Bill) lost it!
Why the hell did he say that? Good because they are more gullible and buy more records and Jeebus stuff or what? Did he give a reason?
It seemed to me that Johnny boy liked it because it was quaint. (where's the rolling eyes face?)
Maybe he thinks its better to not lose your innocence? I really don't know. Innocence on a kid is ok, innocence on an adult is just another word for ignorant!
Tommy, that clip cracked me up!
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