My son, Jeff was married on Sunday to a really great girl...we love her to pieces. The ceremony was secular at a little non-denomination chapel in the woods. This is the first wedding I have been to where practically everyone was sniffling...because there were no quotes from mythology books, no boring Bible passages to make everyone glaze over with boredom, no meaningless and soon-forgotten words written by ancient men...these were words written from their hearts, spoken from the heart and all unnecessary ritual, words, etc were not in the way of a genuine expression of love and commitment.
As my new daughter-in-heart gazed into my son's eyes, and he gazed into hers, everyone in the chapel could feel the love of two people, who absolutely adore each other with their loving family surrounding them. That's what life is all about, that is what love is all about. And that is all we need.
I wish them a long and happy life together.
I am glad to hear it all went well!
Wish I was there! I would of loved to see that. :)Congratulations on having a daughter-in-law that you truly care about! As I do too have one!
Thanks everyone! It was a truly wonderful day.
What was really impressive was that the dude who married them was a minister from an area church who also happens to do the weddings for this chapel...and he was SO RESPECTFUL it was amazing. He was very nice, considerate, and didn't even slip any tricky god crap in there. He did it exactly the way they wanted, and was very kind about it. This place also does Jewish weddings, and other faiths, and of course...like ours...non-faith...and still remains quite warm and friendly with everyone. It was very nice. Restored my "faith" in human ability to remain respectful despite differences. This man was so cordial and genuine that it made me almost want to go to his church...almost. ;)
Mazel tov!! ;-)
Wanted to wish you and your son, congratulations!
Never been to see an atheist wedding before. Always used to ignoring most of the usual ceremonies until the twit says "you may kiss the bride" lol
Congratulations. True love is, in itself, transcendant. Sounds like your son met the perfect girl. I had to wait for my second try, so he's way ahead of the game! I wish them well.
Thanks JA, Jim and cyberkitten for those kind words.
Yes, he did indeed meet the perfect girl...thanks to my daughter for introducing them to each other! My daughter met her at a music festival in Baltimore they were both performing at and then it was a phone thing, a long distance visiting thing and now they are together. :-D
I do know their marriage will last. You can see it in their eyes and the way they look at each other and there is so much love it is overwhelming. My husband and I have lasted 33 years (been together 36), my parents 54! I wish the same for J & W.
Many congratulations to you all. It sounds like a beautiful and truly meaningful wedding. I wish them many wonderful years together.
Big congrats! May they Love Long and Prosper.
Hi Becky, thanks for the wishes for my son and daughter-in-law. Just want to say I love your blog...mind if I add you to my links?
MichaelBains...long time no "see"! Thanks much too for the good wishes.
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