Monday, February 27, 2006

Vastness of the cosmos is awe-inspiring

Estimates from the Hubble telescope suggest there might be one-hundred, twenty-five billion galaxies (it would take you about 6000 years to count that). Each of those galaxies contain billions of stars. This is just a snapshot from Hubble.

Over at Debunking Christianity, Not Reformed makes an excellent point

" For me...trying to contemplate the vastness of the cosmos is awe-inspiring, and it also gives me perspective on how silly these theist/non-theist arguments are. It is very hard to imagine that our speck of a world merited the attention of a 'god' who became a man...and needed to shed his blood to atone for our sins. That story reeks of primitive minds on a tiny primitve world...nothing more."

Step into My Vortex


exbeliever said...

Thanks for the link!

"awe-inspiring" is a good word for it.

Stardust said...

You are very welcome. Love the interesting intelligent posts on your blog. Thanks for stopping by mine.