Wednesday, March 08, 2006


jhbowden said...

Want to bet the Democrats *still* lose seats in the midterm?

Democrats can't figure out why they keep losing, despite Republican errors. They think the feeble masses are brainwashed by "Faux News." For example, today Iran said it will bring the United States harm and pain in retaliation for referring them to the Security Council. So I go over to DU. The attitude is "we're doomed!" "We surrender!" "This is all your fault, R2D2, I mean George Bush."

Think about it. Would you rather have C3P0 or Optimus Prime running the country?

Stardust said...

I would rather have an intelligent flesh and blood person running the country. This isn't Star Wars or a Transformer cartoon.

Too many people view this as the "good guys against the bad guys." Bush is an idiot. Even members of his own party are abandoning him and saying WTF???

Stardust said...

Most want the ability to say "I didn't believe in that goof, i went against him".

And they called John Kerry a flip-flopper!!! Look at all of them Republican flip-floppers now just protecting their own political asses.

jhbowden said...

But the Iranians are bad guys, stardust. To stay with the cartoon analogies, I'd trust Elmer Fudd with national security more than a coward hippie Ph.D. eager for Dhimmitude.

Attacking President Bush is not a policy -- one can't beat something with nothing. Democrats will continue to be their own worst enemy.

Stardust said...

Steve - When I studied World Mythologies at the university I attended, we watched the six-part The Power of Myth PBS television series hosted by Bill Moyers, and I read the book sometime later to review some things. I have also read Hero with a Thousand Faces, which is an earlier book of Campbell's. Campbell is indeed good at drawing links between comparative mythologies. (I don't know if you know this already, but Hero with a Thousand Faces was George Lucas' inspiration for "Star Wars.)

jhbowden said...

Steve --

We will steamroll the Democrats in 2006. Their plan to secure America includes nukes for Ahmadinejad, a U.N. veto over American foreign policy, secrecy for al-queda phone calls into the United States, and letting al-Zarqawi stomp democrats in Iraq and set up a religiously insane terrorist regime.

I'm an atheist and have no problem denigrating medieval superstitions.

However, the Dhimmicrats here in the states are openly siding with religious fundamentalists in the Middle East. For instance, Ahmadinejad wants to nuke Tel Aviv to hasten the return of the 12th Imam. All Democrats can do is say, R2D2, ahem, George Bush, this is all your fault! We're doomed!

If it is mentioned how we need airstrikes to destroy Iran's nuclear program, the Democratic response, like the response to Iraq, is to incoherently yell PNAC! THE JEWS! OIL! BUSH IS STUPID! That is not an alternative; that is not a strategy.

Think about why Kerry lost, even with disapproval *with* the way the country was headed. One thing is certain -- with an attitude like this, the Democrats *are* doomed.

jhbowden said...

For your edification:

Dhimmi Watch

The 3/8/2006 article, for instance, reports Muslim uproar in France over an organized reading of a 1741 play by Voltaire. Voltaire was a just an "inauthentic," "patriarchical," "logocentric" asshole not worth reading anyway. Better to be cool and read instead Michel Foucault, who praised the 1979 Revolution in Iran.